It depends on your auto insurance company policy and the deductible that you chose. Some companies offer a no-glass deductible, but glass deductibles are permitted under Massachusetts law. If you have a deductible, you'll need to pay it before your insurance company will cover the windshield replacement.
What's the biggest crack Safelite can fix? ›
We will repair cracks that are smaller than six inches.
Can you drive with a cracked windshield in Massachusetts? ›
Is It Ilegal to Drive with a Cracked Windshield in Massachusetts? According to Massachusetts law, it is illegal to operate a vehicle that is damaged within the area cleared by the windshield wipers, or anywhere that could impede the driver's vision.
Why does Safelite need my keys? ›
Yes, the technician will need the keys to access your vehicle to confirm that all parts and options are working properly. Does my vehicle need to be in a covered or heated area for auto glass service? Inclement weather makes auto glass installations difficult without cover. If possible, please have shelter available.
Will my car pass MA inspection with a cracked windshield? ›
If your vehicle has a window tint of more than 35% on the sides or back, it will not pass the inspection. Windshields cannot have cracks or fractures measuring longer than one inch in the area covered by the wipers.
Does glass replacement affect no claims? ›
Some insurers might make an exception for windscreen claims and not count them towards your no-claims bonus. The amount of times you can claim for windscreen repair will also depend on your provider. Some policies allow an unlimited number of repairs to be carried out.
Can a 12 inch crack in windshield be repaired without? ›
With the advent of better resins and repair techniques, some specialists can repair longer cracks in windshield that would have been deemed irreparable a decade ago. However, even with advanced techniques, a 12-inch crack is pushing the limits of what's typically considered repairable.
How long does it take for Safelite to repair a small crack? ›
How long will my auto glass repair or replacement take? In many cases, windshield repairs can be performed in 30 minutes or less. Windshield replacements will often take 60 minutes or less; however, we recommend that you do not drive the vehicle for at least one hour after service is completed.
Is it safe to drive with a cracked windshield? ›
In other words, if your car has a chip or crack in the glass, that can literally make the entire car less safe to drive or ride in. Another reason not to drive your car with a splintered windshield is that a cracked windshield can easily and quickly become far more damaged than it at first appears.
Is there a deductible for glass in Massachusetts? ›
According to MA's cracked windshield law, insurers must offer full glass replacement coverage with either a $0 or a $100 deductible, making replacing your windshield much more affordable.
Federal regulations state that you cannot drive with a windshield crack or chip larger than 3/4 inch in diameter, two cracks within three inches of each other, intersecting cracks, or cracks directly in the driver's view.
What does Safelite do if it's raining? ›
What happens if it's raining and I don't have cover? If it's raining the day of your mobile appointment and you don't have a covered area for our technician to work, you can either reschedule or bring your vehicle into one of our shops.
Does Safelite use authentic glass? ›
Will my new glass be OEM? Our long-standing industry partnerships allow us to source the highest quality parts at the best price possible. This means the glass installed in your vehicle is made by the same companies creating glass for today's top vehicle manufacturers.
How long do you have to keep tape on Safelite? ›
How long do you have to leave tape on a new windshield? During windshield replacement, the auto glass technicians will sometimes use specialized tape to help secure the windshield. Any tape should be left in place for at least 24 hours, preferably longer. Be sure to remove the tape carefully and completely.
Should I replace windshield myself? ›
Your windshield is a critical safety component of your vehicle. An improper DIY repair or replacement can have serious consequences. Let the professionals handle it. Your safety and that of your passengers is very important.
Does windshield replacement affect resale value? ›
Your vehicle's auto glass is crucial to its safety, aesthetics, and structural integrity. When it comes time to sell your car, a damaged windshield or window can significantly impact the resale value, as potential buyers may question the overall condition and maintenance history.
Do you have to pay for windshield replacement in Florida? ›
Many drivers are unable or unwilling to pay the expense of windshield repair or replacement. However, you can have your windshield repaired or replaced for free in Florida. There is a statute in Florida that prevents car insurance companies from applying a deductible to windshield repairs or replacements.
Are windshield replacements free in Ohio? ›
Ohio Law and Windshield Replacement
Unlike some states, Ohio unfortunately will not waive the deductible for windshield replacement. That's why the state encourages drivers to have “comprehensive coverage” as part of their auto insurance policy.