The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

II Homt for Sal 70 Dai Molna Ragtifar 10 Furn'nritJ Houses -7 Board nd Room 611 Business Opportunities 58 rt a.r I B1J PI Bk(l." If ie- Ha RfilNtiRD l4i 'mail slrl Huainee fin. On but hj i On ear I or I imp 7 e4.l7 Homai fof Sf 70 DEtT m01T5IS, 4tit)4 3d Near Hew 4 pxiti Kn.4ii I' l4n2(K IW kt Hi A TK I'OsbKiWlON Term l00 Hardote. A LlHia Tima and Wcls i will make true hmia a homa "uilt 1M4V K. PlaMit Vie on WtMxIrd tri'l. ISftlOD 3 beilrmtma, living room.

Att knhen tun both full kxtftenivnt 'h laraae pi.dtfr heat. Nwsia mtartor fui-nmnmc on in our a and Lot neoda ariidini uoramm JESTER SONS DOT "-XnK-T nd "Hrofiulird: to proc. anil rr.s mi. 'c. for ilia horn frr and locker patron.

Building ana equipment pm inventory, living qutrter. Norm 01 a town, aleo a comoll.l eer utani in inau, TamhUn. Uarhl R.h-k. low ttul). 'IS Mill mOll, room- horn.

Finest and beat lorated in NlulIT i-lub. -IS utiu' nioUl," ft" room b.i. mi i-ouaiuvr 7 uwiin. 1 Jinprun, M.a-VHiy Club, TU fttatti 50 popit. -T lpt Iwm ion.

(J.mmI f.wi huiinc. Nic hviiitr nunrtara r1i- vrv rvK lonal.t. 14 MHl. fiMtufflc 444. Vt.i,liniar Uinn.anU JJmne.tat nd taaonne aquin.

aerrice. OTI. and tquijt rvreiTTfiu'lt" toli. pioa (ittlnai. no compatltion, 1UT LVC r-i ri? 1 ll n.v.i I newij unweiiu.

Rerr r.nnn ailinftili) volume year. ly. Reaaun for lellini. Writ T-312. Kilmer and Trltiunr.

Service Station for Lease row A TIiTr. i ai)o'in(ni rounttee. fat ma with poaaeaaton. See-eral with modern bouaea Impeoved iiihk farmi, good n-e a.iud land 115 per a. t'lMlce improved, good lan-1 t75 pr A.

avveral AO'a. 140'a, unlmprve4 gl HAS per A Lt.w rate fat in loana To inaiect pi-KMta in advance fwt appoinimenl L. E. Jawatl, la. fi hi 7 i eraa T'eetl 13 a 4 a tanh4tpe.

I1-, W. ud Ut. Only $140 A. 44 A. at $125 A l.Ui-aawith VI A Uti -M home gd ten.

hae Nr No Terma $i(MHift dm HOLLEBRAND LAND CO. 400 iberty BMg Te Motnea, JA0 fhuilern. good rt wire, all armed. 2 ml town. I I2A Terma.

WOOP I-ANO CO Jeffetaoo oa IOWA well imir," ml No. ljnmor. I nun Co. loo A farm land $iAO A Terma Meaiet. 401 Paramount Bid K)W Imp 140 A Tnion Co.

near 1 orimor, Half farm land, bat. $4 a. Poa. Mar. 1.

Ciua, JC tucker, interact. LAND AUCTION Income Property 71 Music, Radio. Television 49 MASSEY'S 114 Loruil SI De Molne FUTORY PHTHIBLTiIRH FOR th World Finest Ptano. Mason a Hamlin F.VKKKTT KUlHU-t. CABLE NKLHON- eiSHKR And Others "T-.

riMm i i imi vwwwi Coal and Fuel Dealers SO J-KdairT-TlalLTVaRt 1 CHOICE IOWA LUMP CAPITOL COAL CO 8-1 904 rn rt.T -A. -Ti- ,11 'V'X'IWX -J I ri VWOI llltl nggu 9 I "Cirrplaci; Haltiman. 452S 1 2th 8tL Rd. 3-7SSS nil. Hi s.

Lp. $7.75. Rje. $7 2Y Kmr Poal Rerv. 4-7873 riRKPi.Arp "voon Sultrman.

12th 8k Rd J-75AH LOVlLlA lump $7 73, Rinse 7. 2-l24. Ev. 2-1K4U.

OKKP vein Lovilit coal" l.timp' anil ranje $7.30 ton.R2-2.159. IOWA coal" lump St. rania $7 SO Business Equipment 52 Wlllc'ln Cooler B'xS'aT 6" floor iampla compltla, attractiv price. Butcher Tool Supplies Oid.r your rutlery now whitt Vt anil have a aui-piy of itooti qujittty Iff) knivfu. Alan, have (trindrra.

arnip uiti-cri. nirttt and bone attwa, anl elfctrlr atrnkvra. We atock a cumpifte line of-butehtr auppllt-e. C. Pr.

ivNi f'fi n.nifi. In Otik bootda. aln ptywotw. Th. acept Kk un.

PolXf OE-l 7 1 9-2 rniTinc.irru rn. Iimltrd opportunltie for Hie riant French window, U11I. Raa. 4-04JO. mm and la avallnbl imnieillatelv.

E10HTH. 1121 2 rra kit pnr. InvMlnient rquird. Call Mr. nt ill.

1 or 2 mpl. 3-K413. Wruni, i-3l3tt lor apnt. ffi.ulTu II Room, with kit pnr. Service Station for Lease I two tH nation.

Kurlltnt loca tu n. Low rental, rhtltipa tB pm- 'piMir li-kun or J. SSfV skkvict: proilUL-t. e.juip. uon una family 0-warrn lor mn.

booth, dutk. Neiione Hobtall aoda attuk. J.iho'a Bhoe SJiop. Pratne TP.Trt" l7l? I.arne 5 In i. Innr-fountain.

Nelaon Hi hoi ice Cilv. Iowa. mt rcfria Clone to car Capitol City Realty 1540 LYON Eat Nice Fuple dn 4 me. bath ut Pnat ent i Otto a o4i. a omi I207I3TH HVM tisoA tn f0 per ma Nu-f 4 b.r horn on curbnne 2-0483 AU MANNKKS i EVK ni'TWW-rnT Clean 3 buna Parttv ln Dtn rre Ha ht Ctr Onlv $Ttnut WEST Eve rm Bung Bri '4T Near Kntnkltn-Drh.

Priced lor quick atie. Aiiumt Ol 1 ami 3-U4M AUCOl'K 5 0421 EVE Indkanatwtha. 2 Hit '4t Aalo vacant Caah or Cnntrnci 2 04 VI 2 04J.I EVK CAPITAL 1TV REALTY. JNC SOUTHWEST I6TH Near new 3 bedroom hrlck front liiitigalow IK fl living room, large kitclien Full baiemrnl. tin heat and auto wter he tar Attached garage.

$2 tiO dovvil, 4S hO per mo 6-747(4. A. F. LARSON 4-A243 3 B.R. Each, for 2 B.R.

StHith Wet and In aood condition. bik. to buj 1 1 ne 1-Aigff lot. 7 9714. (HtAHAU 4-ft243.

Fine Brick 4 Pie. $22-000 On Hih Ave, north, 4 rMim apta 2 ae-parate auto heitlng plauta. iood condll Ion and wed decorated Snowa good return on Inveatmeut. tlKAHAkl 4 4.43, 2 BFDROOM Living room, dining nim, balh. full baaement.

near St Johna. Immediate sen tt.ii. down, balance on co*kirart S-Sl i0. KARL McCLMXOCH 4-6243 Iowa Securities Co. 3 2 Fur ED" 2 bedro4im bimgatow.

built ltt41. Neat aa a put. poeaeaalon at once. Before you huv get the price and terma on thla Al Wintn 7-(417. ADAMS 25TH riiirinwcai in a nuinn heat, dtnelle.

Immefliat po. loiv In the SIHll'O class, lens than S2000 (In. Bill McCiilloih 5 7525. HARDING'ROAD Here'e a real value at $6 ftSaV excellent 2 bedroom uh aoiariiim, really neat. terma.

See with Uiper, 7-M4 4 BEDROOMS ST. JOHN'S On ltth near Clark. Ideal 2 gtorv imilv home, while frame. ni condition, today'a brat buy In the $10000 rlasa. huddlenton.

T-A760. HOLLIS CO. RKALTOR. 004 flRANlV DIAL Highland Park Atiracuv. five room hunralowr In excellent condition das beat tacheil Karage.

level lot lmmedlat poaseaalon Price 07. 500. L. Li. Camp.

4-6225. Eve. T-5581. General Mortgage Corp, EORG TOWN 1. Northwest near Kingman.

Very cadinet. ramW caae, ft. eketne Cola cootar. '2 rnmrmrimrrit drain hoard, nlau rnlur, Itema. Less than half price, liioo model rash rmater.

Pete Pnlrou Tap Koom, 703 nnon4i, naif i ny. "FOOD E0UIPMENT" FOR RFSTAt'RA NTS. HOTFtd HOl. WTAtks KM MANUFAi'TL'RKD TO OHPKR. Bolton Hay.

214 2nd. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES FOR Tafes, Hospital. Institutions, etc. Complete sttvK on hnd. 1IC1CKKNRKRO Future a Supply Pn.

209 Walnut. He Molne. 4-7257. S2H W. 2nd.

Pavenport. CASH REGISTER Atmoat new SUS. Alao butcher knife and plate grinding, Some bmiiiera tool atippltea. Wm, Miller. i'( w.

i'nivrany CT.OSE out. rii-w gum titpe dlanena ra. accommodate tape 1H to 3 lor In width. Klectne letter cnnerf, 4-320T Office Kqulpment Co. flth.

P.KNT A ROYAL TYPPWRITKR I-it ijidela fnr huatnpaa or tu Tvpt' Co. flu flth. 4-2041 COMPLETF. line reataurnnt aiippllfi. paper rod.

rofr- rrn, tract. COFFMAN COFKKE CO fiMj-nerry St. I. fthpaf1 HumK Avnilnhle n'w. Smith St.

4-7 Ml. KK.N't Al.S. mil, aervice, lpcwriier3. addine machin'-a. cah ''T 7- 1 EW and ud meat Krmdrs and acalea.

V. 8. SMclna: Madimf-Salea A Service 14U 21at. 7-7fi vVXS Tft -Ule trnnlc "lTct fit in nw- chini for cylinder recurds. C.

L- Pfrcivnl Co Boone, I'wa. ft'7 NTE fTT pe writer, ad Nns nvT chine dk. chair, file. aafe. 6-9ShO Coca Pnla cr.nitr.

ieariirTtii mu i niv. Dogs, Pets, Rabbits 53 TlrtP.n EOT Tropical" Fish. fIRANI'VIKW AUt'ARM Phnn. B2-6M1 21f Huhhell. Hood brood matron.

Also pills. Reasonable. Mrs. H. Hiircer.

4IH14 8. W. ritli r.Arttrt" "V.I..I. cW ea $10. no paper.

2HU 40th. 5-2247 i OOOKKR puppies. 10 wks. 1 male 2i yrs. KeK.

tteirna GKRSaN Shepard. female, ailver grav, 2 venra. AKC reK. 8 puppiea. week a old.9-4KlO and TropiraTTlalT S0NDKRLKITKR8.

1131 2M. D. M. jSpHlNr.F.H Knanlt-1 puppier fS wka. 5111 .17 i.

Good Things to tat 54 7 WT.STERN Rfd potatoes $1.98 hag ancy le. wniie uag Rome Beauty Applen. Vi bu. H'-hool Hoy Jona thane 1.9K School Bov Deheioua .51.79 bu. Alan'ji Curb 1 Cnruentcr.

J5PFrTAtCS "CTIOCtTTATES AMorted 1 lb. 6VL 2 lha. $125 ANN FACTORY tV-'O i'nd Want to Buy 56 Tft'pleanant br. home Owner moving eatnlliahfxt uvr fM year a in Central ral. tradiTiK lerntorv.

iiood ln.lvia- tiiea in town. KraHonnMe r-nt. iiirin itv ttil vert i Haul bran da Write M1, Rmat4-r and Trihune. ftHOK arvoii Hfiir ao iinniaiit and TATnt.NAPirnrth Central Inwa. Iioina aood bUNlnena.

All mmt. equip. Mod. living jimi-Iki Pr rlltht. Will X-30S, Beilliltr; n.M.

iiiiM.xr i TAVF.RN'an.rilvlnj quarter ale. Near Cedar Rapid, town ol ini. IXC'iieilt nuNirirH. Health. Barnr a.

TaVERS ANI IVtMCK IlAl.L for invoice all for S8.30U. Tap Room, VARIKTY and Dry Oooda comMna- lion tore. mortem, for eaie in earn Iowa A rial money maker will laae annum ii.m.'u T.rn.. riehi trt. Write a Box 95.

Marlon, low. I VAftrtCTY STORK- SuburE Tocat. Clemi alork ideal for man and wife. Require appml. $7,000.

s. uBU.n I'ltv VKdtERS Auto Asoc. Blofe, Rock" pirt. Mo teason rnuntT sent. eaion for eellina.

health. Writ P-7011. Rrglalcr and Tribune. Western Auto Associate Dealers for Iowa The Auto Supply Corn-pan v. th' aource of "mt rtmern Auto Aiaocl-ate Htorea.

wnnia Deaiera In lnwa. Y-m cn cupitiUiir on our reputa-'on aa a h-iirinK dlatrlhutor of amo miDpliea. radio, bicyclfa. elctrH(il appliance. apurling rno4l etc.

No p-pTlence rc-oulrd A minimum -aah capital of flt0 nredfd, Sri, write or phone ua for full Information. Western Auto Suppy Co. WnoIeial Pl-laion. Brunawlck Irdurlal Block. Phone fi2.

Dubuque, Iowa CCLLICAN Soft Water and huaine- for aale. Now op- rraiinn in vr.y new equipment within laat h.l ht.f".i a i Irwi nwnir Other Interest" toica owner to ne i. Mr. nonnld Tipton. Iowa.

Phone 5(1 or hlrtu. Bppron. 40'XHO' mill buy tin roller rink equip, and net ni in l' vr. Rink i .2000 with StliiKl on now. in S750 iln la.

1-ease expired. Write 412 lieitlster ami Trlhune DISTRIBUTORS WANTED for auto waher. Valuahie fntrnhise. Onlv a anull in-vimnt rxinire.l Write Q-712. "7, Tntmne RAl.E: Modern aho FOtt SAl.E: Modern ahoe repair in eiHtfl coltntv aeai town oi ootr Short and ntmrtment combined with heat.

$30.00 per month. All up u. mii'hinrv. tiiolti. Tea stirio on.

see (ieurge Mnun at Wapello, Iowa. $11 000 buya this well eatahtiahed and growing rug and furn. cleaning nnd upholstery bun. If in te rented, u'-K. a wi and Tribune WALL, floor" nd table top covering businean lor aaia in a county aeai city of twi-nty thoiifand.

rite X-HU7, itcgisrer anai ntmnp-. inc. BUS1NKRS TO BUY OR PKL1 4(M. low Tneater wag, i Cedar Itaptda. Inwa.

BT.T'R Blnl Tavern amf cafe for aaleT Kima. Iowa. inc. eiiiip. i.iv.

ia, iowa. inc. nioa, cijtoj. i otra. nance hall nearby.

Home terma. Hi. rrm 1.1 W2slwsssrr Rooms for Rent 60; Nad. Km P. person.

tranap. 2-S471 BKaVKK. 1417--let Sut. 2-120 Phi. rm, 2 "Uick bus.

7-7UHH. fiF.NTrrTRri3.1 for men only, (jt Cloaejn. 2-0007. CLARK. 2101 Lee, twin beda.

Idrv. 2 car linen. No drink. 75010 f'l If 1 ') 1 .1 -Sleep' emp. A.inn fOTTAOK" Grove.

212-T On TTns. Ihle. twin bed. auto, heiit. Carpeted.

Ldry. Priv. rflrla. 2-4R3n. Fl FThKNTH i.kij ciran comion rm, men.

Brltfat. $7 k. 2-9475. Fot'KTH. 1249--Oirut.

Twin beds. Kitchen nnd laundry 2-0139. M)7 Nice room, lots of closets, 791 1 GRAND. 4021.Lge. warm rm.

with closet, nexi in nam. hlk. Int. hua. $.12.50 mn.

URaRD, 2140. B'i)i. fcirl. couples. I'rlv.

bnth. Maid Bervlce. tllOH La 1 1 I'H rk 1 rm for 1 or 2 emp. Priv. ent.

3-0IK1S. (llflHLANI) Park. Lilt. lp. im MHn.

Alt. h. 2-IOZO. 'ni. r-a7T.

i rm Wit 2f -Clenn oiNei. NT KT KN TH oar. 1 fir, on JTTnTH. 103 0500. clean, warm $4 wk.

.1 RlSTlI. "935 N'ice rm. Priv. horn- entr. On bus.

Kmp. man. 3-45SA, PLEATtA.fT A pleasant room In pleasant home in a pleasant part nf inwn, PT.TTA$A1T "bT Room Tri modern apt. 1 or 2 employed. Ph.

S-l45 SilERirAr4225: Nice haine. Nr. bus. No drinking. 5-22l0.

SIXTH for men. Oaa Auto, water. On bus. 2-S47S. STXTH.

1116, nice gas on bus. Men.3-3905 fF.tffH, 3S3N. (Mean beds. fTTrlT. kit.

iirlv. Nr. bus. 4-5504. 20 Men.

Cots. $3 wk nom rurnnmnq, as Cont a From Preceding Page. TtfZFRia, gat ifovi routE Kite r.2-is,i. "SEWING MACHINES Trdta. S10; Port $20; desk no dy inl urn.

uayroant. Open evel by pp't, OL-ON'g lth. Cottage rtr 5.7ms EWl.NfM ACHINKS buy Mil, repair and rent. rK SIOlNKrl SEvYINO MACHINE 10m t. nih.

n-4727. OPES HAT AND MON fcVF.S SEWisa maciiin KTNOKR. WHITE f'ORKST A VK 8KW M.YCH. 7-3177, oo Forest. 5-qi m.

gToVE, wishing mach Lock triior 1 tu, 11. dua ua nw. mile. a (t'T iTT-T. Pan Fit ELECTROU'X BKBl lLT, SJ2.B5.

an ai-o-: trXWTTTJtf machine. Km. "UnivtriV Motorola rar radio. 2.lK,Mnrtntv jtaa nat, or mlar. furn Ra.

2-1427 ft'AHEHTlATTAarTHtAF: 73740 Bamett's SALE of Living Room Suites tOWKST PRirES FOR gUAUTT FURNITURE. NOW 169 Pnv.nport and chair. Vrlvrt 1120 SISO lavanport and chair, Kriei SMS S239 lnvrnpnrt ani chair, Krltia with frlnir 17 1259 PifvrnDorl and chair. Mohair Krlric tlg S249 Intanpot't hpi) chair. Mohair Frlrra with fring.

J199 $259 I'Hvanport and chair, MolMlr Frte $199 $279 t'avcnocirt and chair, Moha'r Krl; $229 $159 Cild Hofa Modern, Mohair Frlrra $139 $1(19 O.ld fota P. rind, Rrd Rroratrl! $289 or. Hectlonal. Mohair Kriera $108 $279 2 nc. Sectional, Mohair Frleie $200 EASY TERMS.

FRKE DF.UVEKY. 409 Walqur IS OUR ECONOMY tlASKMKNT THESE TRADE-IN VALUES 2 floor Umpi, each 1 table lamp 1 lounge chair 1 lounie chair 2 ottomana, each 1 itudlo couch 2 buffet cheat, each Pwpleaf and 2 chain io ..15 in1 12i 2 three pc. drop lfAf dinette table' and 2 chalra, only $10 1 dropleaf dinette table and 4 Chalra, food condition 514. 95j Several good Jiving room aultei. Your choice at Slfl to S10 I 5 pc.

wamut bedroom auite Mn plete. A real value at J73 OPEN 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M.

House of Marmion Phone W. take trade-in. on new furniture. Davidsons Towa't Larreat Home Furnlahera 8TH FLOOR ECONOMY STORE Good Used Refrigerators Gas Ranges Washing Machines Fully Reconditioned and Guaranteed 90 Days $39.50 Auction 1400 2nd Ave. Tonlte CLOSING OCT 2 COMPI.F.Tfi HOMES A Dt.

RefriB 8 ft utiniy caoineta. lame top gaa atove. 3 apt. m. raa atovea.

2 pc. atove. 3 apt. ai. caa atovea.

2 pc. living rm. aulte. 2 atndin couch ra Oateleg drop leaf extension table. Aut.

waiher. 2 act rnll-a-wav tuba pc. bdrm. auite. Baby bei.

Dining rm. auite. Sewing mach. 0x12 wool rug. 9x20 rarpet and pad, 3 rock-, ern Uunge chair.

Floor lampa. Throw rug. Stair runners. Chest of drawer. oo pc.

rieam ei. uiner i tinea and mine Sale arranged by THE JOHNSON AUCT.CO. waahera-Tleneral Elec-trlc and Bendix. Kxcel. cond.

Priced to aeil. O'Callaehnn'a. ft-4R44. 909 Locuat. 517 Orand "New" Elec.

7 new ABRAMSUN L'SKD CARS Acrosa from Airport. ro'0KINlTutenaila. Jr. aet of Wea'fl Ever waterleaa, ike new. 02-017JV "HRTND new" Hanson Book Store.

912 Walnut Tlx vur vac. cleaner right or no Parkers, b. iivjn Music, Radio, 49 ianos Iceat a nd la rgect aect Ion nf new and uned Pianoa in luwa. SPECIALS for This Week GRANDS KIMBALL 4 ft 10 in. Very nice CABLE 5 ft.

2 in. ninh. r.xcellent Harrison 4 ft. in in. new HADDORFF 5 ft.

2 in $550! wal. wal W75i A beauty! spinets WINTER Musette Colonial Mahogany SCHUMANN Blonde man $495; AfROSONIC; Baldwin Walnut 5I5. Terms to Fit Your Budget 1 Crifchett1! "Come Out Mile and Save 4-S927 .14 1)9 Forest. Join Your School Band New trumpets, clarinet! at $79.50. Term.

DE8 MOINES MUSIC HOUSE. M6 Walnut. 4-4162 HAMiVOND CRAN $1,25 IP toner Piano 919 Walnut. immediate Delivery Model id td.Ml aDl llnly AHNY I.IDDELL MUSIC ROOM nt3firand tlETTtudentTrum msTionany shell, Hood New cornel and trumpet from 10 comniele wllh, Pl8.5-)31. TVIT inchackson console hr nd .7 -u 1 7 -A cot.

$210.00 HAROER ft RI.lsH. 1007 MOSE EMERSON TV, e'L SIZES nnd prices. For Information call 4BH8 Klntman. ft-7 JUL. "Ml'SlC For Hobby nr 'areer.

Tf EASY. If Ul'IfK. It's UN We LOAN Inst. ENROLL Tni'A. HULLINO'S, 910 Walnut.

4-R14L TRAEyour old radio or ptiono on television, big discount now. Pldgeon'i Farm Home Store BE. 30th and Mat.ry. Ph. H2.1'1 LESSONS'-- ALL INSTRtMKNTS.


All irea. Terma. Oil) Walnut. 4-141 PiANCS WANTED rrttrhetl', 1409 Forest. ,.00 coe.ot 4-9-'7.

97 Bin'Sflne" piano. i'1 monthly. Crltrhttl Piano 1109 rorest Ave. r-i PTXCT RiirTBaTI rtrand. WoSWrTuli tone.

First 1400 buia. 4521 Cham berlln. Ph, 7-092S. 51 sale.T mo bid. J.eavlna fnr armv.

ion or 6-5762. 6RUMS Ludwlg. compiel get unable. 3007 E. sth.

T4 r-- EXr. atudents vlofin aiH 1614 W. 12th. Ph. 3-2298.

1 work; RADIO repair 20 yr. guar. 21 roumnia. TV New 19 in. con.ol.

Priced to rnDiM. I I I I Jan. t1L I9SI Livattock Auctiofit 90 KELLY Sales Barn Lwaltd la lb Mutk dt RIPPEY, IOWA Sole, Wed. Jan. 24 Along with aur regular run of tire nf all kmda we will bave for una week'a ease An ouHfiflndincj lint of anriquo lurnuurej KELLY Sales Barn TV here they treat yl aqtur The wnoW er round" Rippey yd Boone Jjl 4 -W.

FR BATFft neaX aprtng ng WbHej Face Hereford hetrere, S-nne with eaif at aide. Thee, are top quality cattle, big and heavy and bred to purebred Hereford holt. Price $J0O. You uan't help making money oej t.e cattle if mi have the fad. litay.

Phone lUal, Uaaoa t'lty. Iowa. RANGE CATTLE Western cattle recelpta amall but are receivina aeverai load earn week of Rood raltea and yearling steer and heifer. WM.l.OY CATTI.B CO. MoIim.

MSI, HORSES "WANTED. 7-6379 Farm Equipment 92 Winter" bargains'nSwT at our trade-in lot mil 4a. or tt I4tk ana arm, r-oa. ni. Ve Csae tractor, plow cult.

t5ri Ward 15" liammtrmill 1I2IV Bear Cat Hammeimlll tlOO goott War- -arden tractor HIM to HfJ Pre. I. ion 36" rh.ln aw .1225 McCormn De. ring Hammer- mills 1mm 2t t. I 63 3 fear lu" llammsrmlllt from ami lo 1 100) Avery A with rull $600 Bear Cat with 0 122; 1 Corn abeiler A3 1 Ward Modal culterhid llammarmlll 1140 110 ft.

I C. dli 4J still have a few new 40 ft galv. grain levlor. WARDS FARM STORE Dee Mninea FARM MACHINERY TRACTORS: New WD A ma Chalmera. New Karma 1 1 New Karmall MD.

We ht very large i I a pi ay of used WD and WC'a Farmall and li'ii priced from $750 up. Aleo I1.44 I. A. AUo have all klnde nf new andl used haiara. Priced right.

All kind romhlnaa, new Have 20 Used A C. rumtilnt. priced $750 and up. Have new mow era and 4 bar ltd ra ea. 1 -t ua know our needa.

Wr It LIVER, PHONE 34. McCULLOUGH MOTOR COMPANY Mount Ayr, Iowa 0 and uaeil combinea a it makes and sitea. 3d new and used, tract ore. all makes, 20 hay balara, windrow re. corn plckera, mowers, rakea, corn plantera.

ahellera. wagons, manure loader manure) apreadera, cultivators, plows, disra. Kat diggere, aedere, baler wire ler tme. ranchers, forage har-veetera. It will pay you 10 see ua hfnre buying your new and uadl farm machinery.

Wa deliver, guarantee. Bob En. one, t'bone 1311. Chariton In a. TR A'Torts, 3ft extra cleari 0 rarmai eiira nice $mn, 20 $425, r.

14 $2. reg. with hi or low rubber $0. 1 tractor $110 to $.50. Combine 60 AC like new $675.

Uihera $1(10 to $425. dlttca 6. 10 tandem 7 "I 15 ft. at rait $25 to $150. 25 p.owa all au-a $25 to $1H5, mnwtrs for Fords, V'armalt and trailer type, aide deliveries.

Ford equip, all kinds like new. other farm equip, all kinds reaa. L. McFaddeo, 25O0 Euclid. Pa RM macH tract ora, comblnei, ff Karmalls $IHH1.

Ford $400. Ferguson $7f. 10 other row crop tractors large or small $225 to $425 Plo-vei 2 12 $65 to $110, 2 14 $.10 lo $N3. $30 to $11.. Dics all auea $10 lo $150.

Combinea $IT5 to $tiOO Mi lif $25 $541. Plantera. wreMera. mowers, cult. Milk co we.

UcFaitfen, 2500 V. Euclid. 2oNEW HaybaTaraalt fnaeiil reasonable pricea. Brand new No. 76 New Holland baler.

$1750. New Hot land baler used 2 aeaeon, 1 2 "SO. 50 International baler, Mollne Bale-O-Matlc with all 1050 rhangea, used 3 weeks, 500. Caae M. illcer baler.

$750 Bob Strme, Ph. H31. Charltnn. Ia. armall tractor new tractor $2.

O'K). 2 new 1. If. C. 24 corn Dick ers $1,150.

2 new Caae A com bines at RED STAR MACHINERY Phone 160 Remaon, Iowa. TRACTORS WANTED Wa want new Internal! Ms, Jora beera Ae and Oe. Dealers attention all replies kept strictly confidential. Writs or mil Uftvnard Trliarn. Plattamouth, Nebr.

Ph. 205. WANT NEW MOLINE Butane or gaa; lso Butane or caa OTti, and Model shell ra. We keep ai) replies confidential. Write or phona ilaynard Trltacti.

P.aiUmouttt, Nebr. Ph M.V TSO PMAT.L rn cultivator; heavy hyd. disc: Little Oenius plow; 21 ft. harrow: heat hotiaer for 50 Chana NCM baler. All new.

ejtc. rond. Reaa. Keller CUna. 3202, Mitchellvjlle.

tractor anj heavy duty loader ANKENY TRACTORS, INC. AUTHORIZED DEALER, none 314L Ankeny, la. OLIVER tractor, 42Int. comhinet 12 ft. disc and 2-12 plow, complete, $1 Ono or wl'I aell aeparately.

Blake Thompson. Rockwell City ptu 25F22. WEW tractoTJoTii." Peer' A'a," G' and MT; WD Allia Chalmera, Maa-aey-Harrfa 44; and Inter. Tom Stone, Phone 370, Charlton, Iowa. EOR SALE "And mounted on IHC truck with 3rtt Bed Diamond motor.

A-l ahap. KfedJ. HellhUlt. Ashton, Iowa. UEW A-TI Case rorhWnea ccimprefet Will take good hreahera In trade.

We deliver. Phone 153 ulna no Euulpnient, Watervilte. Minn. 3fM UaShEY Harris 44-4 gaa or dleiel or John Dere 47 O. Wilt sell ei tiler.

Ray He mm en. Webetar City, Iowa. BnANRn.w Alii. No. Combine 112.0.

Ready for dallverv. Tom Ktone. Ph. 370, Charlton, Iowa CO jITTa ft ft Phaln "Sa "tlttt atock. Nielsen Nursery and Tre Co.

2S07 ftouth Council Blurts, 1, '4ti MAB8EV 101 BR trac. ancj cult. Od cord. 10 ft. M.

M. (rain drill. Near new. I.yle Hart.Pru. la.

BRANTS nw Ca. tractor, complete, ft. 100 delivered. Bob Hton. I'hone Cliarlton, Iowa.

a 2 ROVV muiinted corn pTckert Fit l.H.C.-H tractor. Rajily mount. ed. Clen Ooetsch. Klron.

Iowa. FO RTB AT" "4 1-irTaimaTT-Tnd" cult, Kilra clean, f1200. J. L. Jonti, 2 ml 1 mi.

Yale. Ia. Baler for" al. Wttil 7ft. Uaed two seaaon.

Call 37 Of Write Bog 2.V Parnell. Iowa; rWrtEF.trTa'rnT TralltrT-rii "JiTHI ft. high. Slot) or makt offer. 14.1S Main Ht 2-3227; KT WT A-l ahape.

Good rubber. Paul R. Soulier, Mltchellville. Iowa. 1 ONLtf 'new 44H Interna lioriarcultli vator Willi cyllnd.r.

Conrad l-it Ing. Conrad. Ia. 10" hew heavy duty 4" wheil faffn wagona hs each. Bob Stone.

Pbon h.m. Charlton. Iowa. BRANTS traclor. complett (2730 R.

J. Idlllar, Wrterloo, Ia. ph asBtn. rniTAXLTS rHALMFR. tractor nl cultivator.

Haruld guail. Rt. 3, Saa City. HcCfTRMICK D. 229 cultivator' xc.

cond. Jacob Raaer, Wauketj Iowa. WR'Trtni Creiil and" pTowTK: Farm SeedsFeeds V4 Tlrnund cofrT'ahd cob meal S.T Cob meal mined with oat $1.40. IlES VOINKH FEED CO. H-31H1.

TaXFa- Say ba letl ITTOITTei ton Wayn WlUon, Kejj.v, la. TuAtOTHf. aT7alfclover, tnd; D.I. tnn Tl.) 4-CTri ATf-jrnONlrucaVrirXot of focal oats, tieva'or. lirimea, ia.

Poultry and Supplies 96 now. brnoderntou. dec, tnd ga brooders chick up-pile 134. Court. RIDB1RQ 6-W44I.

(TaWK'S chick, httchlnt dally now. Hawk 803 S. 14UI. PH. 2-B80H, De Moln.

BVSiiiiiM'nS1 vtrl.tlesl', i breeding atock. Either MX or ttlot, I Kmll Runfl. Relnbeck. I. naL tirl.lly nwdarn.

hral. t' monm s- -t SEW dwor. 3 bJroom nud. hm iSj'lrtV 9 40 jt iW hoS a 1-7. iil.

i hnittan roupia in racnana J', Tohuna lor meal Writ Kit Ketialar RRaR new 2 bedroom modern hnmr adult. ilJO 7 ll belor 7J) MUl nit nomi. iimi nuut.e. i omu rnom 4 i 1. 7m, a 3vn gt.

2-4M. Want to Rent 68 EVPri'TtVR a Tl fTH 'rTTTTr un(urn. hou ur duulax NocliKdran No I'h C. Brown. Room Ml H.itol Pllintt TftVVnbuB man' and famll want and atove Immtdiateir.

Call Mr. Ed- ward. 4-MM Tfc.U'HF..V Hn frMnVltn eciToiK wife and 7 u. iKina. iita rnv.

un-furn h. or I'll. KMP' a.ult ani Turn oicBeV'r apt i rni kit Pnv, haih. Mok Oruniee 2 3XlrLT.T child nerd 4 or ITf nT unfurn apt or houe Very rcepert UtMlerat' priced, 747 6vpfiNIRI.I familv. 1 chiUtren.

oed unfuriK apror liouat. 62-t04: 3-'i REDRkl, unfurifi tioua. nar diva r-fer. INPUTS am. child 'Want 3 rm apt.

l'ay up it tt Business Property for Rent Or SaleOffice Space 69 FOR RENT STORE ROOM at 417 Locust. 22 ft. ft with full baaement. Owner will hullil new front and remove Interior to euit tenant on ton term lee. Inquire Manaaer olflce HOTEL SAVERY Available Immediately Larxa office and reception room, over all 13a2ft 2nd Continental BldK.

liee or call 11. L. Till- in. 7th flour and Tribune l'KKROOM for lease nun mn i niiv. 4 ft.

moilerniatic (nnt. Bfaut. di-c. Klttoraacent llRiilln Tile floor, jua warm air furnace, l.arre parktnit area. Ona of huaient comers in town.

Mr. Chowan. n-7llt, oFFICK'pace Approa 000 au ft A(trir((va bids. tKcel. loC.

Kent part or all a it or remodel. N. corner of Huh and 7th. Keaaunable rent. Call Mr.

Welh 2-9101 JfOR'rfnt or leaee -Vacant lot corner ITaat Mil Ica Motnea Ht. Appr. Bunanie ror pare. dec.

to autt Also apartment above lat floor. $'Ji)0 per munth for both. OftoCND" flmr office epttce avalP ahle. Kacllltiee for 1 to ft daka Telephone aervlce. atorage apace available 9-5 dallV M.S 3rdat.

DOWNTOWN warehrue space. Office and ahow room. R. R. elding, loadlrm dock, amro.

1500 aq. ft. Call Mr. Lowe, 2-0440. OFEtCE apace available Immediately In the Ueglater and Trihune Buihl-Ing.

See or call Bud Tilieon, 7th floor. I'h. 3-2111. STORE f-r rent. 4rl fTranT ShappyAuto Supplyt.2-R21.7-;trtMh yr" child, dcalrea unfurn hoiKe Nr.

Cattcll achool. -rtJHit J9EW hl.ig flOO aq TTTVeat. auit- anle for drive in raiairani. "RETAIL WTmleaiie? InduTtrlaT. DONAHOK.

5-7976. S00O; SQ.Tr. All" or "part 2nd" fir. in Ave. a-iini or f-nno STORE rma.

for lease or rent. Bug- geHt amnll mie. 4.JhB.i, 2-7d'. 1-EsR and office for rent. Phone 2-not; Homas for Sala K-r-i rn brick, U0K I j.DUU Kxcl 3 bedrme.

plua part fin. 2nd fir Br noflk tile bath, glaaaed r.iv rm With flrnl. att. Eft r. cor lot.

Margain HALLORAN CO. LA kRK A HO $3,000 under market and all the extras. 3 lid rma. 2 car iuii hunt gas hi. blk.

to rar. Good Windsor Hta. loc. 7-S7I2. NEW Bt'NfT 1901 Lay now being finished.

Yotingstown kitch. Oak fir. Oil furn Plastered walla. $1,450 dwn. $44 KM mo KH.A, 6-2123.

VINCK RILEY. Kve. 2-4732 CORRECTION WINDSOR HEIOHT8 1500 64th Ht Price In Sunday paper should have Possible G. I. fl, 4nt 3rd Weal Uea Moines; 2 bedroom.

lxoks like new. Lovely corner lot call Anderson 2-95S9. Sid Oordon Agc2-021B. 5 Bedrooms Large Lot An Ideal home for a big family! study; alp. porch; firepl.

gas lit. West end near car, stores, achs. 4-5295. BAM.R REALTY. 5-0150 Immed.

pnss. West aid 1 bedroom modern huna. Full hamt. 2 lots. blk.

to busline. Ph. for Off. 4-74110 after pll.

00l) 5-lfi78. NO DOWN PAYMENT 4 ftoi.n to no hurry 1 HKllROOM CO-OP. APT Own your own, never have to move. 3 BEDROOMS Nicely decorated home. New -carpets, firepl den, oil heat, close to tranap.

and school. HUItSON REALTY CO. 3-8R46 101 1 S. W. McKinley 2-BEDROOM home, living room, dining room, apadnua kitchen.

Mud-ern. Lot 11OX150. Oarage. JTerma. A.

T. Torgeraon. 5 RC50M DREAM HOME fnno. onlv 22W down. Hurry, mmed.

posa. Auto, heat, Mr lot. massed porch. Kar. Like new.

C. PETKKHON REALTY. -4M BEAVERDALE Brick duplex. 1 hdrm, each. 2 gas furnaces.

Ibt. gar. 4SOO down. HUDSON REALTY, 3-8846 issori rVF.AH oLt room monern, inn oasem*ni, ns hem. close to Iran.

Assume 4'. loan. Vacant. For appointment cull 1) II PAYNK. 3-7Jii BEAVERDALE BRICK 3 hedrooma, carpeting, enclosed porch, lovely yard with firepl.

Owner, 3712 Adama, 5-339. URBANDALE BRICK Near new ft rma. attached laraire. auto. heat.

Miftht 0. I. Dale Hhaw n-2t-l. Colored Folks Attention! Commercial Drnpefty for aale. very nltr.irtive Interior $8,500.

Phone 62-555l. $2500 equity in 5 rm. hrlck home Cam floora. ehs heat. gar.

attached Reavenlale lm. lllneaa neeesitatea Immediate aale. Any reaaonahie oi fer consld. NEW $9,750 S. W.

rm carpeted, heated. Garage. In city, clo-e to bus. CALL ROSS. 2-0297.

4 -SifiT PAY ONLY $1,000 R. mod. 16.000 Move right in Huston Agcv. 3-311S. Ball 5-1954.

IMMKIlIATK PORSESStON. Your choice of 3 new 2 bedrm. well built home In lelect West end real 16.950, 7-4921- BDRM. mod. lions, full" attach, kh heat, dtspoeal.

carpeted, landscaped. 2 hlorke achool. church. On bua line. 6023 University ELMER MYHUE REALTY 3-5451 Very choice 3 B.

R. brick home. W. side Od. loc.

Near transp. Sun JackjB-Hl 57Roy 245II7 ROOM "houe lhsul. Storm wln'-dows. Newly decor. Oil heat, new plumbing.

Small town. $2950. P. Bog 152. Eldon.

Iowa $400 DOWN rooms. I a nr. achool. Water In the at reet. Owner.

3-579 1 New Duplexes f'irRent or McNEAL REALTY CO. th Ave 4-41Sfl 2 bedrm. bun, full stoker $5,500 Will take contract. 3-6735 ED EAI.TY T.320 rtTTrTt A A like new Inside and out, huge bdrm. ant.

3 rm apt priv. ent. up. $.750. 7-2361.

t2-52K, Hr.n i RinitnnM targe din. llv. rm. Mod. K.

Wal. Nr. Slate Hou. 62-0612. R32 13th West De Moines.

CLARENCE COHNWF.LL. Phone 9-1111. West De Moineg STORY DUPTEXES 2 gaa fur naces, sen. nsmrs. 4 eoia mm 3-2467.

Virgil Htll! IKL 3 REDR0OM Lg. dining room. Lg. living rm. Auto, heat.

Near transportation. 5-S625. NRW ALL MODERN imME. 5 ROOMM. N-W LOCATION.

Off. 2-6323 Mark Dnlan Rea. 7-6S55 tTtRnirsnEAVERDAIB BRirif. frpls. carpet, tok.

ht. Oar. MULDER MTfl. Ed Noyea. 7-1334.

BtiRSL; aH'mbd; Bung." Auto, ht Bit. "48. fiar. Fine lot. jhdiiii.

l.Joan. $50 a mo. 6-0683. fTRM, pa'rt. modern" homer New furnace, also 2 rm.

house, (1500 down for both. Phone 4-7an 3fiSfRT3W: faved street, r.atra aooo. aan price, Only $1,750. 5-603S. "7l "H'i wilT dtiDllcata TTila home on cholee lot for I 5-27M or 7-BW41.

3 Bdrm. 3-3581 i7TfTEToom bungalow. baa-ment Auto heat. Oar, 2-Ba01 Eve. BEfTRMS.

BeaverdsTe. By owner FrpU Btoker. Ur, 501H Su 7-1678 i 1 1 tl 5 hw: mnli. ti 1 I rsiV moA-Nrw twin rv' MV tun iwm iMiiM liome Umj. Mn.

C.rut. NIVT32O0 "toveirrm. twin toOll horn. ro.k.. 7-ysn.

HCIlie COOK'llg. P.l BOAHIi and rnom H. m. iyl. mealt.

tt- Mrn. fTirXL liome fr iKtialonera. prefrrrr.l i f. Roommate Wanted ol arriv1PIS7ZM wit wanta'biia. airl wom ch''d cceWl.

to ah.r. Ise apt. J-H1. I ir7 to ha- Is Rraa. On bin Phon S-0K33.

OIRI, over 23 re larca lurn. apt with hue airi. -iv ll KT cui'teKlpH. rm Ktnul KMIil IJBKim. TIB.

inn. luita. anna. iflKCOND. ti2l l-ite rox priv dirla ontv.

Nr tua 3-t4(tV b.m. tdulte only No drink or peia PrTvil. gmk llulti jufrls. furu. Aiin t.

tWKLFTH, IR 10 Atlracl. rm. for rmll0, 1,1 bu. rn. Sl.30tl.

TWEITII, 'nu-Clean'warTh-fa Nr. bu. 3-3U23 wt 1512 .1 in for 2 employrd lient'l bJ-14H4 a rfrTan- 2 emn uru. 4-Ssns nim and kltnette Rent to wormoe nioinere oniv Boird and Uikn. care for childrn whlla mother, Jirk' 1 TtO(5M.

plate, itudlo couihT eml liaih Near urocery ator. Univ. bus. tA'AfoW rronl rm. for 3.

InnarHnrhlK majl. $1 75 ea 71 VI ami Kit clean 1 or 2 men Hlk to bu.No woman, rtnarr oio. 1.111. Inaeraoll bu. -l(lnsT-13T.

VACANCY for emp, parent, care cnil.uen n-l'S-l Unfurnished ATR(RA. i2fl Choice front" rmi. Hn.l hHth In Vcar old bldK. KcrriK ranue. breakfaat nook, recreation courl, laundry fact ator rm.

Indivlduiil Ka furnace. Children and pen welcome bUsck from curb-liner. Wrll worth 1'iua elec. Call at AptlO Pli CKS'tER Co.nniidii apf will he avaiiaMe 3 nus. with Kit.

and bath, 2-777K Ave 1117. imrt. turn. Emn. cple.

No children A8T0N 32. tt pnv. b'h, full ttanit. tlk grade achixil. 22l Cabin.

On bus. rtna. Itahy welcome. FIFTH." -3 rma. uitv.

bath. entr 12 wk. Adulu on o-tKtil. PlFTfrrE.T2fi"-3 priv. ent.

1 child aoceptahle. PdRTV-FIRsT. 144S ims Water and elec, furn. $30 mo. No drink.

FOt 'HTH. wel- Call jn IterSOIl. Ki I vi M.ttu rloonrnrarl new private bath, living room. klt. Al utiltllea pd.

Will fjmi'h 7-4i." location for doctor or dentiai. Avail. lutjh ININTH. 1S15 -2 mo. B.tb 1-.

SKCONl). ok .1 rm. sew Stove, water furn. twi ntV TIIIRI) 11204-3 pri. nam hihs.

iti-w iliapoaai. new Frigidaire. atove, cue- hit bit I nr mini, i Hardwood lira. Ainpie cio-ei turn t-uiihoiird apace. Storm aaah.

baseboard railiation with uto. heat control. Fully inxul Clone to vhoptiiiig ami runup. Adults oiiljrv 4 WAKONDA VILLAGE flpfind new 1 hdrm. 2 bdrm.

and efficiency. Tile bath, ehnwera. lndl- vidual bent control Steel kitchena Wltn atove. reil mnamr, ciri ii ynrhage dupoaal. Automatic laundry equipment.

I Resldentjvlanflger 8-5047 Immediate possession Nt'W 2 bedroom duplex apt. Larg-living rm, dinette, hedrm. llxlK. Tlic bath. Plentv cloaeta.

Full haamt. (Ina ht. Oar. $17 7-402K; NEW DUPLEX t-Iv. kitchen, dinette, bedrm.

and bath. Full baamt. Oarufie Oaa hcit 2S0.1 nier. Phone (i. i i SI 0-4 4.4 eve.

rt Va ft. iiv. urepiace, unfurn Kid.i n. k. $140 per mo.

ah ut'i'tii7 nnA Trlhtl. on- run ivi-e irn. or nTiT'tf Iiv niif. UiliM.ri. 1 BHU du uex.

1 hihm bath, full h.imt. and taraRf, refrig. Adulta 3-nri3i. NEW' 3 rm. bath.

gar. By car liritL k'lne heat, if round fir. Child welcome. Ailulll. $20 week.

f.NflFRSOT.L. 5200 Two betl room, large rooms, hot water heat, bus stops at front. jHo -1 Ttll pflv, hatlT, sioVf, "refirlg. and utilities furn Newly decor. Kmp couple V4Q74.

1 apta. Pri. bath, ent. Stove, utll. furn.

Feh. 1st. 2-1H5P. rm. $50.

Near bus. Kmp. cpl. Avail Feb. rNION PARK" duplaxT'rma.

hath. OaH heat. frpl. $90.

2-08ft9. TJPTOW.V 'dlatrfct stove, refrig. Avail, now. orJ-374fL 2 ROOMS newly decor. Priv.

bath. entrance. $H(i mo. j-zo. SMALL aptT atatehouse.

2 bath. priv. adulta. Furnished Aprfnrenfi 65 rooms, Cbildn-n Wi-lcome, ri2-6135. EiOHTEENTHr'OTl 2 well furn.

rttiN pract, priv, bath. Univ. bus. 4-iiM, 4 T). Remodeled 3 rnu Pnv. I ptl. EFSnTHT" "2 rmi; lUlf Laundry priv. 2-5972 after "KlOHTli." 1 r40, 2 rmi. Adults, On bus.

2-H230. FlKTTfrirjtH 2 senii mitTr prv. ent. Emn. md.

age lndy. 2-075 1 FOURTEENTH. TMMl Tourist rn- rifn nrlv. ahower. elec.

refrl'ej. Completely furn. $10.50 per ween. it hout linen 1 5.00 per week. miei service, n-wmi FOURT PENTH St.

662 -3 room apt Priv. nth. Stove, In mod. apt. bid.

Walk dlst. Ideal for emn cpl. it.V 4-2415 or 5-3233. TO i 'RTEE TlV "K.r3fl 4 Jir-In Kvervttiinc rum son. RAl'IO CITY TRAILER PARK FTiT' 43rlgc.

room and nriv, emp. Adults. PB.XNKt.lS. Bdrm. Priv.

enC Adults, mi a re nam. r-iec. rein. 4no5-Newly decorated, new carpet, priv, hath, living bed rm. an.

uuime. im. hartilnv, nrc uzrri rmrciros Drake. 2 student or emp. coupl share built.

Utll. furn. Reas. HIIXStDK. 24 -Clean bdrm.

am) kitchen. closets. Uik. to bu. No drink or smoking Hl'BKELL.

4219. 3, 2 rm. carina 2 apis. B-Bnati. LYON 14:131 nedrm.

apt. empl. adult's, no drink, reirl. Nr. bua H2-2IMO.

MuNDAMIN. i 1 3 3 ril Pflv. ent 4 4441 HIXTII. liuiii 2 rnu. rig.

walk. tin ruin Itefrli: Kmn. Indv. i.2-3'.ii 'gnfinTTa Mr. i rn buI.

'mr 3 rm, PrT 55T inn rn i.n. w-. l.utnl ne APT. for peojile. RefrlgTll tabT top.

ignt nan rurn. j.tir.i. Rstapt Priv "bath'arid "entT Emn. adult. J70.

B-9502 T5H nus. "2- HOUSeS tor Kent 66 fnrjr. OTn9AtTrac tina i wfloxANTl, 4S.7 i niiu.en wei. .14... tihunn Hfi-friHTS New Aeoom brl, duplex.

Oaa garage. Adults, no pla. 7-1169 wknU and eves. wplkx- st5 2 bdrm. Full baement.

Oarage, C'ose to transportation. Mrcurdv. Bun. l-tniv. BANKERS REALTY.

4-2203. Drive. 2 bedrc-om brick: gas ht 1 vr. Iaae. 1125.

4-2720 SMALL 3 rirround location, e-7723. I. 'i 1" a 2 4 4 909 2 i We PayMorep; FOR DI.p FrRMTrKE. FIIRNITL'RK EXCHANOK Between 4th nnd fith on Walnut. Phone More Cash Call Connor Furniture, and miacellaneoua houae hold gomla.

Prompt service I824-7TH 9 Ante Blue 3 rm fnf owner Verv clfan Uiaide. oui (taa but ater heat. Pbl gamae. Mote than $J0 mo. invocne uh low epaiae 3 V.ll Uer Ke nnuit Asrr ls'rnxr- Clean.

older home, rsiiwtlv fumiabed Irae nMoa. firepl 7 bad' hot water heat; walkina iti.tanc to Mereilith'. 2 car garaa. E. L.

Ruth WacRse Younq Jltva30FHC. RK.4 5 TOT nearWake Owner leaving atate 4 2-rm. apta. ttlue nwotre 4-rm apt Inc. (147 Mi ttio itikr heal.

actiwn. Call) lon Neriy eva 5 7vti, RYAN REALTY CO. 8-10851 I.AROf!hat "gaa nei i liuoiiie apptok. o.ooi) )-ar Pin biii-k apt alio in excellent cn-dMion. Priced to aell at VHl.

CabiwelU Het. 47 4 4 lifc' Hi 1 A PT 14 It Ilk' fc'H Office 4 2 Rra 2 1 APT Buck, prac.lcally furnuhed Oil liet Meat arraniienieiit. Ca- i fiacitv incoma 0t a.irt Price! a low and good terma. Location rtghl net lO'v A OKBiiHO. APT.

BR0KKR Office 4 4M 7 I INCOME $500 MONTH 5 finely futnlahed apartmente heated, complete! tfmodleie.t recently No A. vui etand moat ng.d If vet igat ion Cll MR 14XMUANH li DUPLEX BIT. 1943 Jrma. and b.ith down: aame up. eaih Income $t77 mo, Frolnvem 4-0! Mil V.t.

7 KFAl. K.RTATK INC, 61.1 High St Wll.L aell'my euuitv in beautiful' Income prop, on river A R. did ear. owner plua 4 unila now rented Safi-at Inveatnient In town H. It to appreciate.

AppL only evea. or mm iiriee nr rm imme in rxcri rt Kr I ml to rent 4 for oner SI75 2 RAFPAI. 5 21133 Kv. cai'Itoi. crrv

inc. LaROK house. Stoker ht Averaae net income 20O mo. plul owner apt. Oil tram.

Also small commercial hlilf on 2 0K0H IMXFI. BR.vnr OKOfl Ollon OlK.H TIOMK wlth'S apla. Htokar heat. lot.

On eurhhner. Mrs, r. J.JItephen Realtor a-runt. HFLI. ON CONTRACT.

155 mo pavmenta. SIOO Inrcim. pine owner'. Mr. J-orkham.

5-73IH 1 120 MO. Income "plua ownera" room apartment. Ktoker heat. Priced low Wood Khlve 2-05111 HFtTOI'RlNCOMF HARflalVff RKFOltK Itt'YINll Lots for Sale 72 fSMrTilk: I'nlv" JOdxIflV for home or comm. oc.

or FTAsT' fiTliK Clos. 'in. In llM.I A.lll.'l and on Klnsev. Cheaa H-H527. 50x1 50 FT lot We.t D.

at. All ulllllles Inc. Ph. A2-44A7. I-Tll 02x141.

ATI JvsJvN2wwVerkeeNrNeeNW' Acreages 73 2 GOOD "ACRES Excellent 3 bdrm. home. large living room, dining room, kitchen, hiith. Plentv of closets, baaement. chicken house, lot 240x340.

flood variety nf perennlala and fruit tree. Schod hua slope at door. Only can A. T. T( 1 1 SO 5 Acres Youngstown Road AlHiut miie east nf new school All modern, 4 room btgement home with attached garaKe barn and chicken home.

$iiwi0. Kodina. JESTER SONS 209 Fleming Bldg. 3-051L 7 ACRES 6 ROONf MOD" RltNO. Xtra large home, Inaut.

stoker 2 Our Carpet rkn hae. Fruit Htd.ten Realty 2-0203. S5lli and College. 2 A 2 bdrm. mod except bath, chick luiune.

(ar lote of fruit. Near ('live sclmol, :i.l'l) Nli-linlaim Mi.u II 7 1 AORFTnn S. Nth near Paylon '7511. fill 00 down, ftlouo monlh II Froat, I'Kmlnff Bl.lK STT6 "1 A. All renced 4 room other hide, flood well.

d-SSRO. rrTrrtfiTYfl1). rTRNACETTiarn Real Estate Wanted 74 SELLERS! We can aell your real estate today for immediate or aunna ooMseNiili.ii "Photo Listings'' of homes we have for wale bring many prospective buyera to our office. If you have real eatate tor aaie. pi ace in our hands.

We will work it to the best of our ability. We win give honeat. court roue aervlce, Wa Invite your listings. H. L.

CALKINS CO. REALTOR Jil310TH8T. PHONE 4 24 DIAL 4-3823 THEN relax. Your house aelllng worries are over, we ll appraise u. we sen it.

We'll close the deal. Comforting? Then call im now. Today Eve. 3-5032 nMimnni n't f.i i ii nnKAAKii HOMKK HAVK OHPKK8 KOU OCT OF TOWN HI'YKKS LL L'H HUT, NO i) nLn A TIlilNn, R-ntvn. Northun Really.

Kve. 0fl4S WaNTTTo Hi'Hr'From 0Tner Of Pmiierty In Hot Springe, Arkansas We will buy. MF.TIKR LNV. Dee Moines. Ia.

3-2910. PfiiVATK Party WITTTpay ciU FOR KQITITY IN YOUR IIOMK AIM A.HMUMK lT-iAM ON OJN TRACT (lit MORT'lAdK. 'WAN 9 2 AND 'IfOMKK for sale. Have run era. Call 4-4265 Wallace Co.

5-4377 TTECTIVPTRRaT.Ty" ftKRVlcET" SHIVE REALTY 721 GRAND AV PH. 4 3lfl (rTlT or "takV" over" "rt'TT loan on "2 bdrm. horn. tref. n.

w. or weat. Prl. pnrty, Write M-146, Reglater and Tribune. PRIVATE party tTealrea tiT'tniy" tmm owner onlv 3 or 4 bdrm.

home north or west aide preferred. 44174. Mtas iTisseriy. A trXst a -ors IT D. A I.I.KN RKALTY.

5-2137. Kxpenenced And Reliable. LISTING. WANTED 3- 1552. Opal Nelson Realty.

3-5027 ALMOST HOLD OUT! All kinds clean, modern homes. L. R. Weetburg. Realtor.

J-5S92 Want to Buy Good Acreage TS700 8-1 16S WANT 2 OH 3 BEDRM HOME-About $10,500. prefer weat or N. west JocWn: pay cash, 2-0904, CASH lor afl -br6rnv Will lak one needing repairs. Must babartiiln. 7-4H30.

llVive rileht wantfng tncom prniierlv In good location. ED KAT7.ENMEYKR. 7-9522. 1 1 BT D'BTH ALOvV NR ORAliK SCHOOL PA i CASH! 4- CASH for' your eqtlilw. "tJuyer will take over G.

1. loan or balance of conlracl. 9-ISII4. Or 3-3283. t-inn ior a i ca aioinea noma or tcreaga regnrdlea yf condition.

Anderson. 2-9551. REAL ESTATE mlg. Contracts. 4-32NS.

DONAHOE, 5-71176. WILL buy real estate contracts lor For Sale or Exchange 75 fi" acreslo on farm near Dee Moinei. Wrfta 1530 Evireenj! Farms for Sale 76 BRPMfcftri 20 hnT perm pits' Soma tile. $24 500. filve.

pres. owner ft yr. lease. $26,. 50(1 for Mar.

1 poss $14,500 cash will handle. Some sea. ft JC. S. ofFrelerlka, la.

So ACRES Chlcliasaw county. 2'4 miles N. W. of Lawier. Good elec.

Black soil. $2io per acre. Pos-session March 1st. George N. O'Don-netl, New Hampton, Iowa.

Phone 244 PARrf' MaNAOEMRNT" "for greau-r profits and better farms. FARMER NATIONAL COMPANY 201 Walnut Bldg tee Moines 9. tARrTE selection ffi-CTrf and Ko. lowg farms. Many good buva.

Order bulletin, Johannaen Realty 215 E. Water Austin. Minn. FoR SALE Immediate possession. 240 A.

Ho. Minn. Well improved farm. For price write A. W.

Jackson, Brerkenridge. Minn. F0RSALErimprove(f 1 20 A. Farm, 5 miles East Cherokee. Iowa, H.

Deylofr, Administrator. X. M. Mpunin f-'Htte lfto A.7 Mod; outbbTgs. tt'eTl Tmn: mcViuirb ji20 A.

afock farm for cost of Termi UKe rent, warm i poa. Hurry, Lemmer, Belgrade, wlnn. T3fi ACHES "iinmprover7ir aale," U. ftHerldui, Bancroft, Iowa. 1824 77 H.

WK BUY. aell and trade any thine. renTON' HTi rcroni Mil' 1 n. -tnvee. mi kmda of' 15 Ouna, stnvea, all kmda of toole.

I i nil north of Mackaburg. gale ai farm nai rn hi i i A taim. 7 int. hone, e'ec. and apring water in hou-e Ro-k mad (id brn corn crib 2 gara-ee.

weah hotiae. eiirlrig h4iue chicken houaa (id emenl rave id fetifre. Plenty run end berrtea Ktnilieea water Alao 101 A. ommrro'ted Boitom la ml K. A.

PindeH. Mackaburg. Ph 212 KO fiTTtood hldga partly modern wn bedmHn house Three large conciete I'eeoing Ail woven wire fencing Well tiled I.avs a little rolling Puaaeaaion SJ400. Otto Knudaen. Eagle lirove.

fOR aale: flood atock. proved 3 1 9 acrea farm Mia. Farmi Wantad 77 SNTin OITTTR a MT a 4 ffTOOio Mull be lugh grade (arm land I or gently undulating Wtll conn Mar eouthetu lotaa. Have aeveral buera NEAL CO. 30J Kreage Bldf 4 Si 75 WANT to rent Hft aTcree neanv new tractora and tajuip ment Ph Indianola 104NJ1 I.

240 A or more Full Tl tie of mar Inn er- and p.entv of UVMtOvlL. ID. im.j i I niiihino'a Loant On Real Ettata 80 Das Moines Building Loan A Si vint a Aae'n. Inng term loane In buying, remodeling, retiuancing home. No fitmmiaaiua.

Sea ua firat. 210 Sltin Ae BKR VALLEY iVV' ITTi "TRT CO for cinipltelv. fr'endly aervlce. Plrat mig pinna and FHA niotlermiatlon loane l-ow bank Intereat ratea lANS TO Hl.lLD OR HIT Western Securities 3-8153 TcTI refinance recond hue. but Id, Inauranc plan Huv, Loan.

7IH Orand. FT? A. and PROPFRTV PKOVK must loans Vnlted Fed. 714 lcuat. 3TlTl.

FlRSTmorteage contract for aate. ftiacount Lenny Ruaneia, 2 0217 "A-ir" Want to Borrow 86 to promote and mfg. new pat. and marketable product. Will give int In Inc.

Co. or let mortgage on good pmpertv aa security. Write ft 200, Register and Tribune. 0Ln eafabllahed "buslnesa needs' 0()0 priv. capital.

Will five lat mortgage, aaaete. Will pay liberal inttrent rate. Writ a O-Sia, (Jjbbdere Livestock Auction 90 Petersen SHEEP CATTLE LAMBS 3 cat-a medium wgt. shearing lambs on hand today. Ilia juxt rignt to shear and feed for the "Jpring market, BRED EW EH.

Part of a car or black faced vrlg ewea. These are big. heavy shearing kind bred for April lam ha. 700 cross bred white faced Wvo abort term ewea in tranelt. These bred lor March and April lambs CATTLE Have 120 at earn nn band today Tbeae average 7H2 Iba.

all one brand, good marking-, not loo fieshv, and of a quality. Also hae one load Angus ralvea arrive featerday. Theae are very thin flesh weighing 416 iba, and of blah, good quality. R-Rldea the above nave one load young bred cowa and a amall load Of good wei with calvea at slda. Thee mwi all carry A clean Dill of health.

E. 2lat and $taury. Ph, CLOSING OUT DAIRY SALE Al Norlhwe! tdgt of Wlntret FRI JAN. 261:00 P.M. MY tCNTIRH DAIRY HERD, ronsl.llng of 26 head reg.

and grad Ouernaeya. Incl. on 3 yr, old ref. "oUTSTANDINr, H0LSTEIN8 All on H. 1 A.

3 yeara DeLaval magnetlj milker comp. with pip tnd stall cork for 20 TERM CASH. KENT'S GUERNSEY DAIRY Winterset, Iowa Eii(n McNmar.Auct. Closing out salF 9 miles State Fair fJ rounds nn 163 and 1' milee nr mile W. 3' miles Mltchellville.

Jan 24 at 1 2 30 GOOD HOLSTEINS cowa 3 to A yrs. milking and to fre-hen in Mar. and April, ft yr. old milking heifer to freshen In April. 4 young heifers, fl yr.

B. milking 5 fial. A tl purebred not reg. Bred to Holiiteln bulla hy Artificial Insemination. Nat.

2 unit milker near new. 10 vac. Hamp bred gills. Poland boar. 400 hal-a clover, 100 alfalfa atraw.

1042 Int. H. tractor and cultivator, 2-14 gng near new 8 ft. tandem and general Una nf machinery and too la. 1937 Chev.

coupe Id good shape. MRS. LoriSP! WARP. Owner Earl HhieM. Aiict.

HlflHWrt" prfrea horses. Contact our buying nation nearest you. Stallone located at Eathervllle, Ohariee City, Cbaritoo. Atlantic, Cedar Raplnai. HILL LIVESTOCK COMPANY ffTTouLAK AtlCTtfTR Every Tueaday and Saturday, sell-Ing all classes of both cattle and hogs in both auctions.

marvel sales company, Webster City, Iowa. ffoo YOtlNrt large Idaho Wyornlng, Montana bred ewea. Heavy ahear-era 2n0 la rge lack Face bred ewea. 25 rams. Price reasonable.

Rnb Stone, Phone la. voutig north west "ern bred ewea, 250 bead black faced bred ewea. 150 head Suffolk bred ewea. Tom Htone. Ph.

370. Clian- "w7ixjfRrLT0(rR paTin. BAXur GEORGE GIPE, Auctioneer PH. 2-1765. 5719 CORNELL.

350-400 HI? gfn. tnrfffy Northern feeder pigs always available for private sale Ankeny Sales Pavilion. Ph. 5441. "lOO VOt'NO Wyoming HereioriT bred cows, Bangs and B.

tested and vaccinated. Bob Stone. Phone S3, Chariton, Iowa HoI.STElN'H 1ft cliojTcVToting cowa. Kresh and close springers. Loyal a n.

5 g. A nri ea Stevens Machinery Sale EVERY MONDAY, RIPPEY, IA. BATE" EVER YJtfo'NDAT. Orient Sales Of'gnt, la. ANOUR age 0 i or without papere.

Reas. Leon N. Miller. Knoxvijie, la Ph. 402.

adeL SalepavilJon Adel. Iowa. Wednesday, Belie Plaine Sale Barn SALE EVERY MONDAY. Special Angus Cattle Sale Jan. 25th IP.

M. Orient Sale Barn Orient, Ia. For further information call Harold Killion flreanfUld 29 1J or Orient 31 Bettg Sena, 412 K. Loc.a7 iza, "WK PAY CASH. Home furnlahing-i and clnthinfj.

prr. Jftini i.hi. iTV TjN "fi'a Promnt Lerllc ci.i Call UK OC A I UM 'J i-nreat' Kurnlture. nil i ahii ior your mi aevAlX rriM.nA4..M:4:a Kft Business Upportunities do, arm.rorreI KR .3424 NF.W LY DEC supply. Owner retiring would con- 2 fSIRLS.

1 BI.K. B. ai.ler partnership to start with. EimTTEKNTfl. lOOlClean ilping.

Write n.7'17 He-later and Tribune. mnm Kmr trananortatlon. R-OOOrt. TH f'TV SHOP fnr "aale. "ITra.eith'ttnillTT.

lill'i Nicelv turn. rm. RaP'da. Iowa. I Arf.

in gOm live iciwn iirni u-i i it 1 J1. uarne i Cood two atory brick building, final Walk dlst. 7-02R2. six rnom apartment, second floor fiucLlD. 812.

Larue rm. a'dTTuath. F.tjulpment nd fixtures nearly allj Kmp mttn 3-2S07 new. A money maker, priced 2022 Twin Bela. and good terma.

Newly furn. 2 empl. adults. Two atory 40 room brick hotel In 1win Walking AiiMiin. clo-e to detmt.

Oroaaing tiJJU- ''U aiging about annually. Sell Ins toi.dletanre. aettle eniaie. immediate poaaewalon. a bargain nt Johannaen Realty 215 K.

Water Austin. stopTmard's, includ-ng apt. and bun'ta. in good highway, dotnj; pood bualnefS. 10 mi.

K. of Pea M. on C'lve-attv Ave. Must aell. ill health 6-6U96 evci or write tl't MUtibel CAFE, equipment practically new.

8 stools. 5 booths, 4 tables and chairs. A real buy in a prosperous town. Reaann, Illness. Write A-707, Reg-i'-ter and Tribune.

Large living room. den. Onlv fVOO. Mever eve. 7-2297 2.

Klrat time offered. Side. Owner tranaferred. Comfortable fi mom bungalow. Clear.

Nice street. Uc Vol le eve. 7 aeaslon Feb. 1. Brick rm.

'iiw, unrpeia. i Nnl '-207 pnv, large iKirm a I'jdi, eve. i TAJ III i I. TOWNK, Realtor, i 1 Near Inaeraoll on 41st St. 4 BR.

semi-butiKulow, long llv rm. carpet rd. Frpic, two nice hedrm. on, 2 up. Stoker Oar.

i2 5 Rung. nr. liiger-ull on 33rd street. Nice and clean large bedrooms, frplc. bamt.

garage, new gas furnace. 13) Block aoulh nf Roosevelt on 45th St. Place. Nice 3 bedroom home. Large aolarlum.

Master bed room Ftplc. OH heat. Nice lot Oar. 4-NdOS. 5-5252 4-7172 TROCT REALTY CO 2-3501 BEAVERDALE BRICK oat na.

Large living fireplace. Close to trans, echonl and ahopping center. Nicely decorated. UNION PARK DISTRICT Beautiful family home. 4 flreiilnee oil heui Will trade for duplex nr gooi! hedrm.

home, well located. Henry w. jonnson. lt)22 lilanil ave. Ph.

8-4H4I. liOY0lt NEED A Larqe Home? MI'ST HELL Tlim ONE AT ONCE NEAR IST AND KINiiMAN 4 BEI1RMH. AND RATH VP, 1 hedrm. and nair naih down. Laree llv.

rm, full dlnlnr. kltcnen-breakfast rm down. 1, us heat, hig lot elertric rarilt W' rth $1 000 Want offer. Will cut whv down for cash. LEA VINO CITY.

PHONE il-2M0. Beaverdale's Best Pwell 2 atory Rrlrk f'olonlal. Pre war built, flreplnre, carpeted renter hall. lee. combination television, solarium for the family enjoyment.

3 line hedrooma. apaclnua cloaet. Dav Eves. Chamberlain-Kirk Co. Grand View Park Nice dean home arrsnireil foe 21 tammer rt natn mi iir.

rms batn 2nd nr. Almost new carjiet. Lovely location on E. fd. 3 car gar, ig, lot.

Vacant. Call Monre. 3-425 Mnthtw Realty. R-431H. BEAVERDALE BRICK Fpnctous attractive 'A hedrm.

home built in '3R. Picture window, fireplace. Lovely lot. Httunted on one of Renveniale' UneMt streets, Own er leaving city. 007n P.t4l, CAlR NEW HOMES Under constructing 2 and 3 br In Beaverdale location.

All belter than average. Greet the spring In one of these beauties. Qould 4-9139. Eve. 7-9X5S.

11K4L 613 High St. a. I. Near new 1720 LAY ST. ONLY $6500 SHOWN BY APPT.

REE INSIDE Large egtra rlean. 2 bdrm. bung. Oaa heal. 1 block curb, 4 block to school.

YOU WILL LIKE IT. 2- 931 2.CASKEYRI.TY.62-1572. HANAWALT SCH. DIST. 2 bdrm 'arpe llv.

rm. rm. Good find, Priced to sell. 220 4TH W. D.

M. 2 bdrm home, Make offer. I AT ZKNME ER. Ml 522. "655 W.

37th Fine Ig. 5 rm, hung. I.g. Iiv. rm, Hiirie.

gar. fmrned. posts. Hell on con-tta a a 1 all 6 MSI Nr. New Hi Park 2 bdrm.

5 rm. bung. Oaa ht. Imm. posa, Oarage.

Nlee lot. This Is a good buy and should 0. Renny Bunsnesa 2-2HHR. JJKNTHAL REALTY, 2-0297. HOUSE AND 3 LOTS Four lame roome and lota of chicken houses and other buildlnga at 1IU0 Wade street: also 3 nice lota.

Has good well and electrlclly. Price $5,500, $1,000 caah. hal. lerm Call C. B.

Snyder. 3-1S52 or IITLJ-CT Jl O. IJIn 51. 1 bedrm. bung, c.aa enclosed heated porrh ilnrage, liood terms CALL LUKE J.

MURPHY 3-03'JO J. Albert Murphy Co. 5-5292 BEaVERDaLE 3 hdrm large llv. rm. din.

rm, brkfst, nk redecorated: bleached oak woodwk. Jonea 4-22H3 Eves. 5-5420. CLARKSON REALTY Roosevelt-Hubbell 5 rm hung. In porch.

Stoker heat, basem*nt garage. 3-5246. Keller. 7-1004. WA LKER-BH A REALTORS ATR'AID of fire? "O'K.

Here a a rrioiT-ern flreprKf home, 2 yrs. old 2 biirms full loti of cioseis. combination storms, auto. hnt. dandy lot, picket fence.

$1000 for ft. I. equity. $65 62 per mo. Priced $11 500 Patton Realty.

7-7006. "LESS THAN $10 000 Jtee this fine 5 rm. redec. Enclosed front porch, living rm, with, flreuiace. Dining room.

2 hdrms. pr airs to unfinished attic. V. L. Mills 4-0130 Kve.

7-74P1. JREAL A I fi 1 3 High NEAR EAST HIGH hdr. house conveniently located, (las heat. Must aee Inside to appreciate. $4050.

Dick Pugh. 2-2637. BANKERS REALTY 4-2203 BEATJTIFUL NEW 2 AND 3 BEDROOM HOMES! Kelloaa Falconer, Inc. 2 309 weekday. j-5Qlfl Sun.

BETTER HOMES BY LEVERlSTT. 0. H. rUCK Slop. Iiemill Mn ror selling.

Priced to sell. Terma. priv 2 cioseis. Blk. to bug.

No Inaiilre 400 Cafe. Jewell, Iowa. yOe. 7-S Mtidwlch "Hon Flat or pr.iMAl'l.K,'ii:i2" Hrlv. ent.

Warm, clean. emiae. nii or i-ioii. brick bldg Ttalrs apt Location 'MlILBEKRyrTfrtTAN MKLYTiA'm mad rid hotel 3.9342 A FE mon rn t) FTi ghw ay. only ca fe in I own, Excellent builness.

Heer license, Reaa. Wesley Cafe, Box 131. wesiey. in. i- iv best npiipped firive-Tn In D.

M. Brick bldg Fine West End loc i.2-265H.before 11. or aner cVFE for sale. Newly decorated, reasonable price. Robert L.

Stevene, Iluhhrird, Inwa. rtES'TAT. office for rent, equipment for sale at once. Pue to death of dentist, complete office equipment and supplies for anie reasonable terms Contact Mrs, Myrna Soholm, 420 East 11th Spencer, la. A LN 0 establishment for sale In very progivsalv town and farming community.

Eslahliahed business or vears. winy anno in i 5. "mcluTlnr. n'ew Rrn lc, nllc, T. 4.BI.,i2'f.INffl-1n:,2,,lki.drrn: hi, Hit and renin' avstem.

iimiimiiiu. ji rina. aouits. vi'ni. ninney.

maker. Reason for Ml It! home. filrl.On bus. prlvaTF, rontmui.iis poor lieallh. VonlactiTHIRTKriNTII.

1544 Front rrn.j Ht flr Quiet mo. X'l'L-tl Tin. I neis" find L-iain eieVlltOr for K.nirr i aale in central lowa. uver 111 inr-i 111. -1 no.

Ty.aXTH HHO Raclltlnr p.nd.s feed Hold in 11150 Rooks omn Til IUT V-Kl P'TlfT lfi Smnll room. e-nt liar. Nr. bin.

No rook. to bonallde hnver Wntt X-512. Nr Irnns. Ph. 5-S7M.

Hottf Rer.lal.-r an.lTribune. flllRTY-FflllHTII. 20 Room fnr2 Fut New Bounce In your walk. and hl melal shop. Ample closet.

Ldry. prl. 0120a ii-Tri UCDWCV APTC MCU central la. (Mod stock of alieets iTHlRTY-rHXTll. lflSj Lovely "rm.

nU I tL ntKVCI Arii. INCVY Bidr and hevai.ri Vwi beds. Nr. trans. tSUTre.ri9."7mnTeKfl3: KMirlns rite A-JUS, ReK'tt 'xWELFI 1 H30 Attract, rm! fnr! Krrpl.

pie. On car. 62-4347. a nd rj.rr emploved adult. I 10 bu.

Bee WASIIINnTO.N.TC rm.rBlecT TH I ltTI ETH 1 7 aner n- TWKNTYFIRSTl 43 WiTrm. chT. Prl.hnme,far Fourlh. Clean Lomf. Ladv nref.

Nr. bu. 3-0lll. C'NloN PARK "Larg clean room. 7.K,sft;V Private h.

Kefer62-ntK. to ahare apt, with other ITVrVElTSlTT, 4S03 or 2 ilrll.1 cirla. Beaut, surroundings. 7-7474. JiM t'sfiffiiir VVaVF.LaT(D 4524NIce south- priV, month.

4-571H. i 111 jrly. home. Bua. glrl.Nr.Jiu.

4-29M) '5 MCW PNDFMIY WflTF Redecorated. 7KAl CLtvniw i i farm commiinitv. Elevator mi AI condition with near new bin coin cr ha. leed nouse. 411 rt scales.

14 lota with 400. Olid of government atored corn. Health owner to sell. ED JAMKrt S-4791 EVE. JAMES-GLENN CO.

'RI'SINESS BROKERS" Tor mh and Kuclld.D.M.S01 21 rtROfKRY7" Hardware on West Unl-Vf-rslly Owners apt. upstalra. This store lias Hlwavs been a money maker Meal eetup for man and Wife Present owner retiring because ol health. Call for appoint- hnMFRRITT. 5-124S .1 jOROCKKY nn men or sell bidg.

Writ 0-3K6. ..11 hid. Writ. o.3M. i ior and Tribune.

furnllure and appliance! store. Appro, in.rinury Lrc, gas hiislnesa Orosa of 1 nn hub nes in same familv for 50 years Will aellj flJlure" Write E-11B. Iteglller andl Trihil --rr iMDWK. for town. Htock yna 'tu.

i n-rri 111urvc art niwH-L riAvvNcic, ua -tin: WEEKLY AND DAILY RATES. prripfyr employ woman. Private Ut home, neat, near dus. oannn. M8lRABLlT llv.

rrndrm cTise In BiiaineMjadjr. Ph. rl. home Bu. (....

r. man. 1 blk Lnlv. car t.r.h rnom Eighth. Plv Board nd Room yh'g.

mn. Family tyl meal. K.rV. Wsi RflRWooTrTtcmfortable rSim. IfcrRTH- 3.

VnJiaiod b'oaTd-and 0.000 Writ. P-510, Regi.ter.FOlRTH n-Q and LUNCH room and soda fountain ror sale tmvi. trtnll triri Term. 62-1911. rnv.

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.