People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (2025)

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (1)

    @NopixelGTA ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Honest mistake on 16:58
    “Clowns reacts to Sam Baas perma” - Chatterbox

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (2)

    @MK-ui6gtปีที่แล้ว +157

    Big ups to Saab for being down to perma his main. That’s a big perma

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (3)

      @jackman5840ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I'm honestly pretty surprised someone would do that.

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (4)

      @ROFLSTOMPERIWNL7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      this is probably the biggest perma of 3.0 atleast no? like hoooly

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (5)

      @MK-ui6gt7 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@ROFLSTOMPERIWNL would have been, if he hadn’t jumped right back into the same role he had with a new character

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (6)

      @ROFLSTOMPERIWNL7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      yea thats kinda weird but i guess it be like that sometimes ooc he runs the pd or whateva so@@MK-ui6gt

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (7)

    @Brynhild.ปีที่แล้ว +179

    Can we acknowledge Kiki cause that phone call was real and raw

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (8)

      @izrageปีที่แล้ว +11

      amrainbowbee is an amazing roleplayer, you should check her out

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (9)

      @EdgyCFปีที่แล้ว +7

      i was gonna start crying too oh my lord it was insane

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (10)

    @weldernick3750ปีที่แล้ว +72

    Ok so Tessa saying standing on top of beaver bush made me laugh then the whole emotion range hit! Too good!

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (11)

    @atamagashockปีที่แล้ว +51

    Tessa was gold last night. When she left and sped back to pd, that was epic stuff

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (12)

    @OfficialKrazeปีที่แล้ว +33

    Omg Tessa almost had me crying wtf

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (13)

    @potoses1928ปีที่แล้ว +136

    I hope tessa goes psychomode

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (19)

    @jan-pieter3695ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I can honestly state that Baas is a GOAT, been part of the NP community as a police officer and a criminal for a while and in both cases the RP level of Baas is very very good. I am looking forward to see what this roleplayer comes up with for his next character. +rep for perma a main char not many dare to do that...

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (20)

    @johntimothy9757ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Can’t wait to see Dundee’s reaction

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (21)

    @TheChosen1onexปีที่แล้ว +25

    If you’re willing to perma a huge character like bass did you’re a way better role player then 90% of the server

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (22)

    @canuckravenปีที่แล้ว +8

    Chatter the person wasnt too happy. He made it clear it was just his character that was

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (23)

    @Nate-jg2osปีที่แล้ว +10

    The shadow leader sends his regards

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (24)

    @catlinclawson2134ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Baas can no longer look into it. o7 Baas

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (25)

    @Ryuzen896ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Took PD less than 12 hrs to assume it was Ramee.

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (26)


      Ayep 👀

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (27)

    @johnnoct3617ปีที่แล้ว +7

    FK i expected Baas to take down Lang's empire and it would be like one of them perma there.... o7 Sam Baas

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (28)

    @Mr_GoGs_Officialปีที่แล้ว +20

    can't help but feel he faked his death to the city but also the viewers and has gone off the gird to go black ops and will start picking up criminals and taking them to black sites for torture as he mentioned to Ripley like a week ago haha

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (29)

      @G-1872ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I honestly hope its a real perma myself if it's fake it'll ruin everything

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (30)

      @c0mplex564ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Ssaab is too good of a roleplayer to fake a perma like this

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (31)

    @moodoftheday5183ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Classic Byson RP.....

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (32)

    @OfficialKrazeปีที่แล้ว +2


  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (33)


    From all the sadness........(everyone needs to calm down)

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (34)

    @paulyguitary7651ปีที่แล้ว +7

    How could Nick do this?

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (36)

    @YoungGee13ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Wait why didn’t I see the ooc perma? Cuss don’t they have to do that if they perma? Or is he coming back like a zombie like Hutch 😂

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (37)

      @Sinsettisoulปีที่แล้ว +13

      He did it while at the hospital with a doctor present.
      Wasn’t included in this compilation of clips.

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (38)

      @NopixelGTA ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks for this 🥳

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (39)


    We never saw in the morg, what did they do when you went through the doors at morg

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (40)


    This hits deep! Murder kitty leader!

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (41)

    @habit0422ปีที่แล้ว +16

    It had to be either Mr. K or Pred that killed him in my eyes.

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (42)

      @kannydee9356ปีที่แล้ว +15

      I also would've accepted Shelly.

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (43)

      @faelirraปีที่แล้ว +16

      from what I remember Ssaab pretty much said his perma conditions was either Pred, K or Shelly.

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (44)

      @lilslick72591ปีที่แล้ว +4

      K didn't kill him tho.... Ramee and Miguel did

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (45)

      @jcrules101ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@lilslick72591 Mr K held him there and assured his death, no?

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (46)


      @@jcrules101 no baas could have easily ran away

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (47)

    @DanOliverMaineปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wait so his character is officially dead does this mean he brings back saab?

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (48)

      @user-nl4uu4jt9hปีที่แล้ว +1

      He said he's making a new character but is taking a break before that. Wouldn't be surprised to see Saab in the city though either.

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (49)


      Pretty sure when he comes back from vacation it will be Al Saab.

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (50)

    @DaVinciLTMปีที่แล้ว +2

    Not enough reactions

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (51)

      @NopixelGTA ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Not enough people reacted 😂

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (52)

    @blackphoenixfamily8477ปีที่แล้ว +6

    So, last time you said that this had been a "typo", but @16:58 this clip is credited to Spaceboy.....when this is obviously not Spaceboy. This is no typo m8, this is just laziness. Come on y'all =/

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (53)

      @aeramaygaming4131ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah, that was a Chatterbox clip titled "Clowns reacts to Sam Baas perma".

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (54)


      oh no, people making mistakes, how horrible

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (55)


      @@Honerkamp is it weird that I read this in my head with a really bad German accent? I mean, the wit fits....right?

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (56)

      @Honerkampปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@blackphoenixfamily8477 Kinda funny cause i am german, but also.cause the stereotypical german accent would make it sound really damn funny.

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (57)


      @@Honerkamp Exactly ;) To be clear, I am referring to alles was du gesagt hast.

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (58)


    Bison kinda ruined it not gonna lie

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (59)


    No pixel really taking a down hill turn lately

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (60)

      @sagew13129 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How so?

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (61)


    o7 baas

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (62)


    Hellweek for the crims inc

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (63)

    @jcrules101ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (64)

    @kajsorensen1207ปีที่แล้ว +1

    really? running ads on other peoples content.

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (65)

      @daniellubitz9693ปีที่แล้ว +3

      TH-cam does that for every video, including demonetized ones.

    • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (66)

      @NopixelGTA ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @kajsorensen1207 Make your own channel then 🤪
      @daniellubitz9693 True!

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (67)


    Chang gang done

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (68)

    @SleazyUnicornปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yooooooo Tessa rampage arc

  • People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (69)


    This was so well scripted by K and Baas dude!

People reacts to Sam Baas Perma, Yeager’s final words - GTA RP Nopixel (2025)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.